The Basics

Week 3 Becoming nutritarian weight loss journal Dr Furhman Eat to Live 6 week plan Dr Greger How not to Die Diet no oil no added salt reverse diabetesDay 15: Disappointment & Strategies

I just weighed myself for my official two week weight and I’m so disappointed to see I only lost 1.8 pounds!  After losing 7 pounds the first week I was hoping for at least half of that!

If I let it, this could be a dangerous development because it could sap my motivation.  My strategy this week is to stick to the plan and do a little bit of refining.  Instead of 1/2 of an avocado on my salad I’m going to do 1/4 or go without.  I’m also going to make sure I’m monitoring my nut and seed consumption and only getting in that one ounce that Dr. Fuhrman recommends.

I do have faith that I will have more successful weeks than this one.  It’s really inevitable when you eat as clean as all this, it is pretty much a guarantee that you will lose weight!  Honestly, if I look at this from the “half-full” perspective: I have lost 8.8 pounds in only two weeks!  This is something to be excited about!  And, I remind myself that on “The Biggest Looser” (that I’ve been watching again now) they have those initial big-loss weeks followed by minimal or no weight loss!  I’m going to be okay!

Another land-mine to navigate this week is the looming day of chocolate-covered strawberries, boxes of chocolates and edible underwear: Valentine’s Day!  Luckily my husband is completely invested in supporting my dietary goal (and has even started eating meals with me, albeit his plate is covered in hot sauce–it’s the thought that counts!).  We’ve decided to grill out on our balcony.  I’ll be having Portabella mushroom skewers and he and Kysen will be having fish, steak and shrimp.  For dessert I’m going to make “hearty fruit salad” which is pretty much cutting out hearts of fruit with cookie cutters and I may roll them in cocoa powder as Dr. Fuhrman suggests!

What I Ate:

Breakfast: 1 banana with 1 tbsp. creamy raw almond butter

Lunch: Spinach and arugula salad with garbanzo beans, red onion, cucumber, sliced apples, grape tomatoes, and raw sunflower seeds with balsamic vinegar.  Tofu sauteed with red pepper, garlic, minced onions and frozen broccoli

Dinner: Spinach & arugula salad with edamame beans, mandarin oranges, raw pistachios, grape tomatoes, and carrots with rice vinegar.  Leftover red lentils cooked in veggie broth with spinach, kale and red peppers.

Dessert: “Fruit Freezer” with banana, strawberries, pineapple, almond milk and 1 tbsp. flaxseed

Day 16: Scale on the Move!

Woke up this morning and got on the scale, it moved–lost another pound!  I needed this good news to keep going strong with the 6 week plan; almost half way there!

No musing for today–just eating to live!

What I Ate:

Breakfast: 3/4 cup steel cut oatmeal, 1 cup soy milk, 1/2 cup fresh blueberries

I didn’t end up eating my breakfast till close to 11 AM, so I ended up skipping lunch.  I disobeyed one of the rules and had an in between meal snack at 5 PM of 1/2 cup of edamame.

Dinner: Spinach and arugula salad with carrots, strawberries, grape tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, and raw sunflower seeds.  Leftover broccoli and tofu “stir fry” with minced onions, garlic and red pepper.

Dessert: “Fruit Freezer” with strawberries, 2 bananas, 1 1/2 cups almond milk and 1 tbsp. flaxseeds

Day 17: Flattery Not Fat-ery

You know how they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery–well consider me flattered!  This morning my husband told me, “I’m going to start eating what you eat.  I’m tired of being fat.”

Now, mind you, my husband is anything but fat, he has a few vanity pounds that he always complains about, but nothing major.  But the fact that he wants to be on board “80% of the way” means only one thing: I am looking good!  And my husband is certainly my biggest cheerleader, telling me daily encouraging things like: “Wow! You’re swimming in your clothes now!”

What I Ate:

Breakfast: 1 cup rolled oats, 1 1/4 cup soy milk (unsweetened), 3 large strawberries

Lunch: Baby mixed greens with strawberries, raw pistachios, garbanzo beans, sun-dried tomatoes, grape tomatoes, dressed with balsamic vinegar.  Leftover red lentils with kale and mushrooms.  1 tbsp Raisins

Dinner: Baby mixed greens with apples, red peppers, edamame, red onions and dressed with rice vinegar.  Kale, spinach, broccoli and tofu stir fry, made with veggie stock, minced onions, garlic powder, and a touch of Cayenne.

Remember, you can make stir fry while on the EAT TO LIVE plan by sauteing in vegetable broth or water!

Day 18: Making Time for All 3 Meals & Stretching My Groceries

I did it again.  Like on Day 16, I got started with breakfast too late and ended up skipping Lunch.  Now in Dr. Fuhrman’s world this is no biggie, his advice: if you’re not hungry DO NOT EAT.  Fact of the matter is I wasn’t hungry, by the time lunch rolled around my late breakfast of oatmeal and berries was still sustaining me so I skipped.  Then I was reeling by dinner, but had my over-the-top-huge salad and was good to go.

Dr. Fuhrman advises that you plan to give yourself enough time during the day to get your 3 meals in, remember there is no between-meal snacking allowed on the plan.  But his advice of “Don’t eat if you’re not hungry” is not something you hear these days in the dieting world.  “Eat 500 mini-meals all day long, that revs up your metabolism!”  “Eat within 30 minutes of waking up to jump-start your metabolism!” “Have healthy, high-protien snacks between meals to keep your blood sugar level!”  The advice goes on and on about how we can eat more and still loose weight.  It’s refreshing to hear common-sense advise again, if you’re not hungry then obviously your body doesn’t need to eat, period.

I feel like 1/2 my life is spent at the grocery store.  With a three-year-old, a 6-month-old, a dog and 2 adults, is it any surprise?  Well, before this diet we would supplement our eating-in with meals where we would (you guessed it) eat out.  Now that my diet is so restricting, our three squares are all made at home.  This week I have really tried to stretch out having to go to the store by making big dishes that I can eat for multiple meals and eating any and every fresh food available.

What I Ate:

Breakfast: 1 cup rolled oats, 1 1/2 cup soy milk, 1/2 cup blue berries

Lunch: skipped–too busy!

Dinner: Mixed baby greens with carrots, garbanzo beans (1/2 can), red onions, 3 large strawberries, raw pistachios, and dressed with balsamic vinegar. Leftover broccoli, kale and tofu stir fry (see Day 17, dinner).  1 Apple

Day 19:  A Nutritarian Valentine’s

We decided that it was better if we didn’t go out to a restaurant for Valentine’s day.  I promised I would accompany my man to a sushi dinner on March 14th, when I would be finished with the 6 week plan, and would be able to deviate just a bit.

So, with Valentine’s on hold, we decided to grill out on the balcony so we all could enjoy the things we liked.  And instead of having our family feast on the 14th, we opted for Friday to get our Valentine’s grub on!  Kysen and my husband had salmon, shrimp and teriyaki chicken skewers.  While I enjoyed portabella mushrooms, veggies and tofu made into “Eat to Live” friendly kabobs by sprinkling salt-free seasoning and basting with liquid Aminos and veggie stock.

The results were delicious, I didn’t feel deprived and it still felt like something special.  Portabella mushrooms over the grill are amazing!

What to Eat:

Breakfast: 1/2 cup rolled oats (have to go to the store), 1 cup soy milk, 1/2 cup blue berries

Lunch: Mixed baby greens, garbanzo beans (1/2 can), carrots, 2 large strawberries, and raw sunflower seeds dressed with (big surprise) balsamic vinegar (I’m on a balsamic kick).  Leftover red lentils with kale, mushrooms and spinach.

Dinner: Mixed baby greens salad with garbanzo beans, carrots, 2 large strawberries and raw pistachios, dressed with balsamic vinegar.  Veggies kabobs with green and red bell pepper, zucchini, yellow squash, red onion, pineapple, tofu, and mushrooms basted in veggie stock with no-salt seasoning blend and 1 tsp. Liquid Aminos

Yes you can have BBQ on the EAT TO LIVE diet!  For my Valentine’s day feast I had these yummy portabella mushrooms and tofu and pineapple kabobs.  The secret is to sprinkle with no-salt seasoning and bast with veggie stock, herbs and garlic.

Day 20: Feeling Productive

I’ve been doing more!  That means I’ve been having more energy!  I just feel better and I’m not always thinking about and obsessing about food.

What to Eat:

Breakfast: 1 cup steel cup oats and 3 large strawberries, sliced

Lunch: Spinach salad with chopped Crimini mushrooms, garbanzo beans, carrots, sliced beets and raw pistachios dressed in balsamic vinegar.

Dinner: Spinach salad with carrots, garbanzo beans, sliced apples and sliced beets dressed with balsamic vinegar and sprinkled with raw pepita seeds.  Leftover tofu, mushroom and kale “stir fry,” sauteed in veggie broth, with minced garlic and onions.  Steamed broccoli.  Watermelon (cut into hearts!)

Dessert: “Fruit Freezer” with banana, strawberry, 1 cup almond milk, and 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed

Day 21: Finishing Strong

Today, I decided to concentrate on eating as much green veggies as possible to end this week off right!  I filled up on s many veggies that I didn’t have room for my usual “fruit freezer.”

What I Ate:

Breakfast: 1 cup steel cut oats, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 tbsp. flaxseeds

Lunch: Spinach salad with garbanzo beans, carrots, apple slices (can you tell I need to go grocery shopping), raw pepita seeds and dressed in balsamic vinegar.  “Stir fry” made with baby bok choy, sugar snap peas and shitake mushrooms, sauteed in veggie stock with minced onions and garlic.

Dinner: Same salad as lunch but with beets.  Leftover bok choy stir fry, kale cooked in veggie broth and leftover broccoli and mushroom saute.


Weight Loss for Week #3: -2.6 pounds // Total body fat lost for Week #3: -.1% body fat

Total Weight Loss to Date: -11.4 pounds // Total body fat Lost to Date: -2.3% body fat

And stay tuned, I will be updating my Eat to Live journal every Monday until I have finished the 6 week plan!

Check out what I ate and how much I lost for Week #3!

Check out what I ate and how much I lost for Week #4!

Check out what I ate and how much I lost for Week #5!

Check out what I ate and how much I lost for Week #6!

Check out what I ate and how much I lost for Week #1!

Check out what I ate and how much I lost for Week #2!



xo, Kristen
Kristen Hong of Hello Nutritarian

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  • Anonymous says:

    Well good for you! you go 😛 its great to read along as you do this diet. you have a great deal of willpower to change quickly. All of the food you prepare looks yummy. I have been trying to lose weight to. We are an Italian family so it has been hard.

    I see my daughter gaining around her middle and I am scared that she will end up like I was at her age. I have been good about going on walks with her when the weather is good. We need a bigger change and reading what your doing is helping me to decide this.

    • Kristen says:

      Sorry I haven’t posted in the last three weeks, I will be catching up with weeks 4 & 5 over the weekend, lots of yummy, healthy, Eat to Live recipes on the way too!

  • Mimi says:

    You’re doing great! Keep it up! Even though I don’t need to lose weight, you’ve inspired me to at least become more “Fuhrman-esque” in my weekday eating for my health’s sake. Your food looks attractive and delish!

    • Kristen says:

      Thanks Mom!

  • Kristen says:

    You are the most loyal of all blog readers–thank you so much for getting my butt in gear to get at least my last week posted! I’m so happy to report that I am down 21.2 pounds in 6 weeks! All I have to say is if I can do this ANYONE CAN!

  • Jess says:

    Did you exercise during this?

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Jess!! No, I did not workout at all on this 6 week plan! That’s what made it so amazing to me! The veggies and onions and mushrooms and greens help melt the fat for you!! If you do decide to workout Dr. Fuhrman advises upping your servings of starchy veggies and/or whole grains! Are you planning to give it a try?

  • Tamar says:

    Thank you for your section here. I am re reading for encouragement. Yesterday I thought to myself only 10 lbs. down and almost done with week 3, oh no. Then I remembered that is 1/2 way there! Yippeee!. and this morning it became 11! I too have a bowl I designate as mine for salad when it gets to the top it s full enough. I think I am going well over the pound a day with fresh veggies but having a problem getting in the cooked. After eating so many fresh the cooked don’t seem so good. and definitely eating enough beans. My fave so far are cannelini. I tried blackeyed peas but not to fond of them. I have discovered that a little white balsamic in the beans can make them palatable.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Tamar!!

      Yay! I’m so happy that you are half way to your goal–and 11 pounds is AMAZING progress!!

      I love my super-giant salad bowl! Don’t worry too much if you can’t get to the cooked veggies, but definitely make sure you’re getting in your dark leafy greens!

      xo, Kristen

  • Tina says:

    I keep reading this to keep going. I’m on Day 16 and the scale stopped at 6 lbs. a few days ago. I have tried to stick to this 2 other times and went back to eating the way I eat. I totally believe in this way of eating and have reread the book 3 times – I believe it all, but I’m frustrated. I definitely feel better – more energy, able to get out of bed without the “no please” struggle. So any words of wisdom are appreciated. I literally, think well, Day 16 – ok – let’d read what Kristen was eating/ feeling. Full Disclosure: my normal diet is far from the typical American – I am a gluten free above 85% dairy free vegetarian who eats some fish – so pescetarian?? However, my normal diet contains too many pastas and rices and oils salts and sugars – and although I love green veggies, not enough of those.
    Thank you for this amazing source of encouragement!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      So nice to meet you Tina!

      Yes, my advice is stop weighing yourself. Once you stop seeing progress on the scale it can be detrimental to you continuing the program at 100% especially if you’ve quit in the past.

      I look at the 6 week program as a dosage of antibiotic–you have to finish the whole prescription for it to be effective. Assessing your weight loss in the middle isn’t really helpful as your body takes time to adjust. And the diet gets more effective the more 100% compliant days you stack up. I lost most of my weight the first and last weeks on the plan.

      It will happen it’s only a matter of when. And sometimes if you’ve gone on and off your body calls your bluff and wont release the weight untill it’s sure so-to-speak that you are really doing this!

      Keep going and don’t let your mind get the better of you!

      xoxo, Kristen

  • Alison says:

    I just found your blog after doing Eat to Live research. Question: Do you have any advice for someone (like me) that does not do well eating legumes? They don’t digest well. I learned this on Whole30 so I’ve taken them out of my diet for 2 years and have a much calmer stomach. And as an aside – I hate mushrooms of any kind in every way of cooking. It’s a bummer because they are everywhere and I see this eating lifestyle really encourages eating mushrooms regularly. Hopefully if I can take on this eating plan omitting legumes and mushrooms won’t set me back.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      It’s so wonderful to meet you Alison!

      And I’m so happy to hear that you’re going to be starting your nutritarian journey!!

      If you don’t like mushrooms you can still do the plan but I won’t let you not eat legumes–they are too important for your health and success at this plan.

      I’ve helped many people with digesting beans and this comes from Dr. Fuhrman himself. The reason beans upset your stomach is because you need a certain strain of bean-eating bacteria in you gut biome to be able to digest them properly. The only way to develop this bacteria is by eating beans. Once the population is is sufficient you will not have gas, bloating or digestive troubles with beans anymore.

      You want to build it up slowly, the process can take several months. Start with hummus. Because the garbanzos are blended they are already broken down for you. Start with 1 to 2 tbsp. per day (if hummus has been hard for you to digest in the past). Do that for 2 weeks. Then graduate to whole garbanzo beans at 1 to 2 tbsp. per day. Do that for 2 weeks. Then you want to up your dosage to 2 tbsp. to 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup to 1 cup daily (that is your end goal).

      Stay with the 2 week pattern until you’ve reached 1 cup per day.

      I’ve been eating beans for so long now it doesn’t phase my gut at all!

      I’ll be cheering you on!

      xo, Kristen

  • Jenni Lethbridge says:

    Hi there! Im nearly at the end of week 2 and the scales haven’t budged, I read that you hardly lost on week 2. My husband and I are doing this together although he has nothing to lose and he has lost weight. I must say I did lose 3 kg about 6 pounds the first week but it is hard to move passed the scale numbers when you are so focused and determined and wanting to lose weight. I realise it is more than weight but when Im reading everything tells me the weight will just melt off and its not. Hopefully I can report something positive by the end of my week.

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Jenni,

      I was 30 when I first went on the program and I have a lot of weight to lose. There are many factors that determine your rate of weight loss: age, sex, hormone levels, sleep quality, stress management, physical activity (not too strenuous) and the amount of weight you have to lose. I tried to keep the 6 weeks as an antibiotic prescription–you don’t stop until the end because so much momentum builds up that helps your body finally feel comfortable to release the weight.

      Hope this helps and I’m wishing you all the best!