The Basics

Week 6 Becoming nutritarian weight loss journal Dr Furhman Eat to Live 6 week plan Dr Greger How not to Die Diet no oil no added salt reverse diabetesDay 36: Pleasantly Surprised

Last week was a test: would I be able to keep with the “Eat to Live” plan when I wasn’t in the security of my own home?  I think that the modest weight loss I achieved during week 5 shows that it can be done!  Just over one pound of weight loss may not sound stellar but the most notable change came in the form of my body fat percentage.  For week five I lost 1.4% of my body fat, that is double the loss from week four where I lost only .7% of my body fat.  It’s funny that on the weeks where I don’t lose as much weight I lose more body fat and vice versa.

What I Ate:

Breakfast: Sliced banana with 2 tbsp. raw creamy almond butter

Lunch: skipped

Dinner: Baby Romain salad with grape tomatoes, raw pistachios, 1/2 Hass avocado, sliced cucumber, and sliced apples, dressed with balsamic vinegar.  Broccolini (a seriously delicious relative of broccoli that I found at Costco in a huge bag) sauteed in low-sodium veggie stock and garlic powder.  Leftover pink lentils sauteed with veggie stock, garlic, kale and 1 can of Trader Joe’s diced fire-roasted tomatoes and chilies.

Dessert: Frozen pineapple and strawberries with fresh banana, almond milk and 2 tbsp. ground flaxseed

Day 37: (Almost) Back to Normal

I started the day making a big pot of my (new) favorite kind of oatmeal: steel cut.  I make a big pot so I don’t have to slave over the stove every morning (cause steel cut oats take waaaay longer than their rolled oats cousins!).  Dr. Fuhrman only allows for 1 cup of carbs (other than beans–his preferred carbs) per day.  I’ve decided that I prefer my carbs in the morning!  Being out of town last week threw me off my oatmeal-eating routine and it is nice to be back!

Although I don’t intend on quitting the “6 Week” plan when my time is over, I do want to give this week my absolute best effort to see just how much weight can come off on Dr. Fuhrman’s plan!

What I Ate:

Breakfast: 1 cup steel cut oats (cooked in water) with 1/2 cup fresh blueberries and 1 tbsp. chia seeds

Lunch: Baby Romain and spinach salad with cucumbers, grape tomatoes, red onion, green cabbage, and diced jalapenos, dressed with balsamic vinegar.  Broccolini sauteed with veggie stock and powdered garlic.  Leftover pink lentil stew (see Day 36 above).

Dinner:  Ate at a Korean restaurant: I got bee bim bop (not in the hot stone pot cause there is more oil in that version) which is a mixture of cooked carrots, spinach, mushrooms and tofu (I asked for no egg), 1 tbsp. Korean hot sauce and 1/2 cup white rice.

The only bar (that I’ve found) that works on the “Eat to Live” plan.  Photo credit:

Day 38: Best “Eat to Live”-Friendly Bar

LaraBar is the only bar I’ve found to date that abides by Dr. Furhman’s dietary recommendations.  I discovered it last week when I was traveling out of town at a Whole Foods in Bellevue, Washington.  I got to try the Key Lime and Lemon flavors last week, the Cherry Pie bar has only 3 simple ingredients: dates, almonds and cherries–that’s it!  With 1 full serving of fruit, 5 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein it’s a minimally-processed bar that truly tastes like the real thing but with none of the guilt!  The only way these bars could be any better would be if they were organic–I’m assuming this will be the natural next step in the company’s maturation!

Dr. Fuhrman can’t seem to say more great things about dates and I was surprised to see how potassium-rich these dried fruits actually are!  Just remember on the 6 week plan, you can only eat 1 ounce of dried fruits and 1 ounce of raw nuts per day, so if you have a 1.8 oz LaraBar be mindful not to eat many nuts/seeds/dried fruits.

What I Ate:

Breakfast: 1 cup steel cut oatmeal, 1 cup un-sweetend almond milk 1/2 cup blueberries with 1 tbsp. chia seeds

Lunch: skipped, had an “Cherry Pie” LARA BAR

Dinner: Salad with mixed baby greens, tofu with baby greens blend

Day 39: Sneak Peek

I decided to step on the scale today, two days premature.  I was shocked to see that I had already lost over 3 pounds!  I am now up to 18 pounds total weight loss for the 6 weeks.  Dr. Fuhrman claims that you will loose 20 or more pounds if you follow the 6 week plan.  I can totally make it if I stay strong!  It’s so amazing to me how fast these 6 weeks have gone!  I can’t explain how proud of myself I am, but I just feel so much better too! 

What I Ate:

Breakfast: 1 cup steel cut oatmeal, 1 cup un-sweetend almond milk 1/2 cup blueberries with 1 tbsp. raw hemp seeds

Lunch: skipped, had an “Apple Pie” LARA BAR

Dinner: Salad with mixed baby greens, grape tomatoes, mushrooms, strawberries, pistachios, avocados, and cucumbers with balsamic vinegar.  Tofu, mushroom and kale sauteed in veggie broth with minced onions and garlic powder

Day 40 — What I Ate

Breakfast: 1 cup steel cut oatmeal, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1/2 cup blueberries

Lunch: Mixed baby greens and spinach salad with 1/2 avocado, grape tomatoes, red onion, Crimini mushrooms, red pepper, cabbage and raw sunflower seeds, dressed with balsamic vinegar.  Leftover tofu, mushroom and kale saute with veggie broth, minced onion and garlic powder

Dinner: Mixed baby greens salad with grape tomatoes, red onion, red peppers and pistachio nuts, dressed with balsamic vinegar.  Split pink lentil soup with veggie broth, minced onions, garlic, carrots, celery, tomatoes and dill.

Day 41: Getting Faster

Making a huge fresh salad two times a day, which requires lots of chopping, mincing and knife skills can be rather time-consuming.  In beginning I ended up with quite a few cuts, scrapes and burns from this new deal of cooking every single day!  Dinner preparation used to take me quite a while.

I’m happy to report that I have this down to a science.  The key is to start your salad first so your hot dish won’t get cold while you are chopping your onions and grape tomatoes for your salad.  Also, making big pots of soups and stews saves you times during the hectic dinner race (when I have to feed an infant, toddler and husband three different meals)!

What I Ate:

Breakfast: 1 cup steel cut oatmeal, 1 cup unsweetend almond milk 1/2 cup blueberries with 1 tbsp. flaxseeds

Lunch:  Desperate times “salad,” yup, I didn’t make it to the grocery store in time for lunch so I had to use any and all raw foods I had left in the fridge, since Dr. Furhman defines a salad as any “raw” vegetables.  I made my balsamic vinegar salad with chopped carrots, apples, edamame beans, grape tomatoes and red onions.  Leftover pink lentil soup with kale, carrots and celery.

Dinner:  Finally got to the store so I had a decent dinner-time salad!  Tofu with minced onions, veggie stock, chopped mushrooms and baby kale.

Day 42 — What I Ate

Breakfast: 1 large banana

Lunch: Mixed baby greens with 1/2 avocado, grape tomatoes, strawberries, Crimini mushrooms, carrots and pistachio nuts dressed with balsamic vinegar.  Leftover pink lentil soup with kale, carrots and celery.  2 blood oranges

Dinner:  Mixed baby greens salad with sliced strawberries, grape tomatoes, pepita seeds, cucumbers, red onions and carrots, dressed with balsamic vinegar.  Leftover tofu with kale saute (see day 41, dinner above).


Weight Loss for Week #6: -6.8 lbs. // Total Body Fat lost for Week #6: +1.0%

TOTAL POUNDS LOST FOR 6 WEEK EAT TO LIVE PLAN: -21.2 lbs. // -3.2 % Body Fat

Check out Week #1 results!

Check out Week #2 results!

Check out Week #3 results!

Check out Week #4 results!

Check out Week #5 results!

xo, Kristen
Kristen Hong of Hello Nutritarian

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  • Kristen says:

    I just want to let everyone know that I am going to work my hardest to get weeks 4 & 5 posted over the weekend! Sorry for the delay!

    • rita powell says:

      looking forward to it

    • Kasey says:

      Hey! I’m not sure if you’ll see this comment, but I just read all 6 weeks of your entries. In the beginning, when you said you felt fear and anger and all of these other emotions for having to try and make your food taste better etc is exactly what sabotaged my first day. I wish I would have held out like you! I felt dread on my first day because it was so much more prep than I’d ever done before, and my mind kept telling me it was too much work. Then I read your little rid bit on the ego and self preservation and it all made sense. I now know I can do this, and I want to thank you so much for these posts. (I’m 18, 207 lbs, and ready to kill these 6 weeks!)

  • rita powell says:

    you should be so very proud of yourself! reading what you can eat I can see just how difficult this way of eating can be. I admire your hard work and self control and you deserve those many pounds lost!

    Will there be any before and after pictures to come, wink, wink (please)!

  • Arden says:

    Whew! I am so happy to have found your website! Thank you so much for posting your 6 week journey. I have started mine today and I know that I can reference to you whenever I am in the least bit of doubt of myself. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE your meal ideas. Can’t say it enough….THANK YOU!!!!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Arden! So happy you found us!! I have a lot more Nutritarian-friendly recipes to post–so stay tuned!! And I wish you great success on your ETL journey!!

  • Julie says:

    what was your starting weight?

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Julie! My starting weight was 230.2 lbs.! This was the first time I did the 6 weeks and I lost 21.2 lbs., got down to 209. The second time I did the plan I got down to 192.6. I am 6’2″, so I was looking good at 192! My ideal weight, however, is 176 lbs., so I still have a ways to go! I hope you give Eat to Live a try it has forever changed my relationship with food for the better!

      • Amber says:

        I have read your journey and just want to say it’s amazing! I’m a mom of four very small children and really want to change my lifestyle. I’m very over weight as I never take care of myself and have never loss my gain from my pregnancys. Being raise in the south, we have always eaten pretty much anything and everything. My mother and father are both in very poor health and watching them struggle at such a young age makes me want a different life for my kids. I am wanting to try this new life style for my whole family. My kids and husband eat fairly healthy, very rarely eating junk or processed foods. I was wondering if you the 6 week plan would be safe for a brestfeeding mom? Also are there any tips on how to switch my family over? My kids are 6, 4, and 2. The baby is still BF. Thank you for your time and sharing your amazing journey!!!!

        • Kristen says:

          Hi Amber!! I’m SO happy you found the blog and that you are inspired to start a nutritarian lifestyle! YES! You can breastfeed on this diet! My daughter was 6 months old when I started and it didn’t affect a thing! In fact, it will be extra-extra healthy for your little one! So I have some thoughts for you: Start by doing the 6 week plan either by yourself or with your hubby. I don’t advise changing the kids over yet. This needs to be a time that you focus on regaining your own health first and then you can work on tweaking theirs–kinda like the oxygen masks in an airplane! When you do this for 6 weeks at 100% commitment you are going to go through some tough times. You don’t want to deal with the kids being cranky over their diet changes while you are about yours! Next, tell your family and have them help keep you accountable! In fact, please email me through the contact page on the site so I can reach out to you weekly and help you along! As a mother of young kids, I know how hard it is!! I want you to feel great again, and I know this works!! If you haven’t already, subscribe to our weekly emails so you can get my free eBook, The 7 Day Salad Cleanse, this is a great way to prep yourself for the 6 week Eat to Live plan! Also, watch this Dr. Fuhrman video on YouTube today! It is the perfect introduction to why doing this is SO important! Contact me soon so we can get you going!! xo Kristen

  • kel8705 says:

    Love your blog! I’ve been mostly plant-based for almost 4 years after reading The China Study and Whole by Dr. Colin T. Campbell, but I still struggle with cutting out all the processed foods (mostly chips, breads, and crackers), as well as the oil, so your website is a perfect, and very lovely inspiration to cut out the junk! I’ve read Eat to Live, Disease Proof Your Child, and am currently reading Super Immunity by Dr. Furhman, I love to read, and I try to read at least two books on nutrition each year to keep me motivated ;-). Thanks so much for sharing your journey!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi kel8705! So glad you found the blog and are enjoying the content! Yes, tell me about it, chips, breads, and processed foods are hard to quit–especially since they are so darn convenient! I will say that after the 6 week plan, Dr. Fuhrman advises for a 90/10 maintenance plan, where you get 90% of your calories from high-nutrient, plant-based foods and the other 10% from processed foods or animal products, if you wish. A slice or two of whole wheat bread is even allowed. This year I actually made a contract with myself to stop eating fried foods, refined sugar, and refined wheat, because I am not yet at my ideal weight. Chips are my absolute downfall so abstaining is my best bet, on month two now 🙂 Hope you stop by again soon 🙂

      • Dana says:

        Omg we must be related ! I am so addicted to chips and that is what messes me up every time I loose a few pounds , it’s like I self sabbatoge !! I quit smoking a year and a half ago and have gained around 25 pounds and I am plant based !! I know how to do this I just need motivation . Congrats on all your weight loss !

        • Kristen says:

          Hi Dana!

          Lol! Chips, chips–they trigger me and I totally end up overeating for the rest of the day!

          If you are already plant-based, you should totally do the 6 week program to lose that weight! You can contact me at any time, wishing you the best!!

          xo, Kristen

  • Dylan says:

    I’m going to be starting the six-week plan on January 4, 2016, the day after I return from vacation.

    It’s great to read up on the experiences of others who have done this, and I’m excited.

    Did your flatulence ever get better? Body adjust to the amount of fiber? That’s my main question.

    I’m a mental health counselor, and REALLY concerned about needing to let one rip during someone’s session! LOL

    • Kristen says:

      Lol!!! I love it!! Welcome Dylan!! Yes, my flatulence got much much better as the bacteria in my gut changed over time! If you’re concerned about work hours you might want to do your heavier raw veggie lifting for dinner instead of lunch. So, have a green smoothie or fruit and seeds for breakfast, a pita with cooked veggies and hummus or a tofu “stir fry” for lunch and then have a mega huge salad for your main course for dinner followed by a bean & veggie soup. I think that would minimize the effects of more fiber during work hours!

  • Bunny says:

    Hi, Kristen! I’ve had the Eat to Live book for a couple of years and have started his plan several times. If I follow the recipes in the book, many of them require so many ingredients… it seems like I have to have a lot of specialty foods on hand. I read your 6-week food journal, and I think I could follow that quite easily, as it is more “realistic”.

    I am encouraged by your stick-to-it attitude, despite your family initially eating different foods. My partner eats horribly. He hates most vegetables, especially greens, beans (except chili con carne), and mushrooms. No G-BOMBS for him! 🙂 He loves burgers, chips, caramels, ice cream, pizza, cheddar cheese slices, etc. I’ve been staying more to the Dr. Fuhrman / Dr. McDougall way of eating. If I have any meat, I am eating it “mindlessly,” as I did for years. If I think about it… I can’t do it! I’ve reached the point –after re-watching Forks Over Knives, et al.– that I don’t WANT to eat meat. I have started to eat Nutrarian again and I feel amazing!!! Tomorrow, I restock the refrigerator for the New Year and a new commitment to HEALTH. Thank you for your inspiration. Your website info is going to be so helpful.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Bunny!! So happy to meet you and hear your story! I agree, health excellence is a hard choice to make in the face of family who are not thinking about food the same way. But it can be done, and my hubby and mother-in-law both have adopted parts of the nutritarian lifestyle because they have seen that it works! We become living examples that there is a better way to think about food. I kind of think of it like the first non-smokers back in the 1950s when everyone was “doing it.” America is a fast-food, and junk-food based society and there are a lot of people and businesses that have a vested interest in people not eating for their health. That’s why these foods and restaurants have commercials, to convince us against our better judgment. I’m so excited to hear you restocked your fridge and are ready to go!!! I will be posting about the Eat to Live fridge next week and I’m so excited to share!! xo, Kristen

  • sandra says:

    Hi Kristen,
    Thank you for sharing your very inspiring story. I am curious how you handled cooking for your family while also being on this diet. I have two kids and a husband who would definitely not want to eat most of this food so making separate meals for them seems like it would be time consuming and tempting. How did you manage that?

    Thanks again!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Sandra! Thank you so much for taking the time to post a comment and I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my Nutritarian journal!

      It was hard, I’m not going to lie! You have to decided that regaining your health is worth the extra effort! In the beginning my husband did not eat on the plan with me, so dinners were the hardest with three separate menus.

      With a little organization you can do it! Your nutritarian eating has to be planned out first. That means making a big pot of soup on the weekend and chopping your salad veggies and keeping them read-to-go! I make lots of recipes that store well in the fridge. Really, if you cook and prep one day on the weekend you can make it happen!

      It’s going to be extra work but you are going to love how you feel on this plan–I promise! Make sure to like MMTM on Facebook where I post daily inspiration and helpful articles!

      xo, Kristen

      I am going to be posting about my prepping tips in the next two weeks, be sure to check back!

  • Paulina says:

    Hi Kristen,
    I am on my day 3 Nutritarian Lifestyle and I found your blog as I feel like I need some support and ideas for good recipes. I do however drink some coffee in am with Ezekiel bread and little peanut butter and honey and if I have sauted veggies I use little coconut oil. Tonight, I did have little steak too, so not as drastic as what you did. I would like to lose 20 lb and keep it off.. Your blog is such an inspiration.. thank you, Paulina

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Paulina!

      Oh, I’m so happy you have begun your health journey and you’re finding the blog helpful!

      I’m a big advocate of making the changes you can live with. I think you’re fine beginning where you can, I would only advise that you strive to eat 1 pound of raw veggies (like salad) daily. That is going to keep you full and help you lose weight faster. Eat the salad first then follow it up with whatever you like–it’s almost like the other food rewards you for eating the salad!

      You can absolutely do it and I hope you check back in with your progress along the way!

      XO, Kristen

      • Paulina says:

        3 days, 3lb !

        • Kristen says:

          Woo hoo, Paulina!!!

          So happy for you!!

  • Kaitlin says:

    Hey Kristen, what recipe or brand of vegetable broth did you use to sautee your veggies in?

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Kaitlin!

      I usually do Trader Joe’s organic Low Sodium broth, but it depends on what’s the best value! Sometimes at Costco (usually around the holidays) they will have bulk buys on low sodium veggie stock so I will get that too!

      I hope to start making my own because it is so freakin’ easy–I really have no excuse!

      Thanks so much for the awesome question!

      xo, Kristen

  • Hannah says:

    Hi Kristen,

    Just looking through your 6 weeks. Looks awesome! I’ve been paleo for ages and not seeing the results I want, I just crave sugar all the time and eat a bunch of fruit which is great – if you aren’t already eating meat eggs and “healthy” fats like oil and nuts at every turn! Just a question with your oats in the morning. Is that 1 cup cooked or one cup raw before cooking? Also how long do you go between meals. I feel like a banana wouldn’t sustain me for 5 hours. I have two kiddies as well and am pretty active, I do weights 3-4 times a week, walk every day and hill sprints twice per week. Your weight loss is so inspiring. That’s about as much as I want to lose total.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Hannah!

      So happy you found the site and have been finding the 6 week journal helpful!

      First off, I did not work out at all during the 6 week plan! With the amount of working out you are doing you will need to modify the plan. When Is tarted exercising after the first 6 weeks, I would increase my whole grains to 2 cups if it was for an hour or very vigorous, then on non-workout days I would go back down to 1 cup whole grains.

      When I had oatmeal during this journal, it would have likely been 1 cup uncooked if old fashioned oats and 1 cup cooked if steel cut (because I batch cooked steel cut oats).

      I highly recommend not working out during your first week on the plan. This is going to be your week with the most weight loss and you should concentrate on getting the lifestyle under control–it’s also nice to give your body a rest–that’s when I always see the most physical changes! Definitely monitor your avocado and nut intake on the plan, do not eat more than the recommended 1 ounce raw nuts and 2 ounce avocado daily–especially since it sounds like you are very close to your ideal weight! Also, monitor salt, don’t add any to your cooking and watch sodium content!

      Take a look at my Eat to Live Food Prep article for a free printable weekly meal prep schedule (especially helpful when you have kiddos) and after you’re done with your 6 weeks grab the monthly monitor here, to help deal with cheats and slip ups!

      I wish you all the success in the world and I am here for you if you need anything! Just message me through the “contact” page via email or Facebook!

      xo, Kristen

  • Sarah (appifanie) says:

    Thank you so much for doing this! I tried E2L for like…a day once before and the no salt thing was so hard. Not that I even use THAT much salt, but like…if I sit down to a bowl of steamed broccoli, I want to salt it. But I have made oil free baked fries without salt by dressing them with lemon juice and spices, so the vinegar thing makes sense. I’m going to start the plan tomorrow and give it my all! (Except for 1 cup coffee with a tsp. of sugar and some soy creamer, because I have migraines, and if I quit coffee my brain will explode.)

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Sarah!

      I’m so happy to hear that you are going to give the 6 week Eat to Live plan another try!

      I don’t know if you’ve read his books yet, but Dr. Fuhrman has a specific plan especially for migraine sufferers that might be helpful for you!

      Yes, no salt is the absolute hardest thing to get used to on this lifestyle! But, if you stick to the plan your taste buds do change and you begin to taste the subtleties of natural salts in your food!

      I am here if you need anything at all!

      xo, Kristen

  • Randy says:

    The small percentage of body fat loss is very disappointing. Based on the calculations you must have lost mostly muscle mass.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Randy!

      The body fat percentages were based on my digital scale, my muscle mass did not change (as I did not workout throughout the 6 weeks). The only true way to know true body fat or muscle mass percentages would be with a more clinical measurement like water submersion or full body analysis but I wasn’t willing to shell out that kind of money.

      I used body fat percentage as a guide to have something more to monitor than just weight–I would certainly take it with a grain of salt as at-home scales are not terribly accurate beyond measuring your weight.

      xo, Kristen

  • PW says:

    When did you start this diet, and have you stayed on the diet?
    I have tried Day off diet and ‘Paleo’ or South Beach, and I’m hoping this one will work.
    I have 40 pounds to lose to be in the ‘healthy’ range.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi PW!

      Congratulations on starting Eat to Live!

      I started my journey on January 28th, 2013 (six months after my youngest was born)! This post was when I was ramping up to start, and you can read my whole 6 week journey here!

      So, I’ve been at this for well over 3 years and I promise you, if you work it (that means do it faithfully!) then it works! Does that mean I have never fallen off track? Oh, I definitely have, you can read about that here. But I always return to this way of eating, not only because it sheds pounds, but because of how I feel.

      You have to do the first 6 week faithfully–that means no cheating. The 6 weeks cleans and restores your body and has you running on all cylinders. After that you need to eat according to your goals, and give this a read where I discuss this more.

      I had done South Beach before this, back in 2005, but it wasn’t for me. I like to eat a lot of food and that’s why this works for me! I’m not into portion control. If you are feeling hungry that means you have to eat a large salad first before you start on your “hot dish.” Also, during this process you are going to get cravings to cheat–that’s your ego at work that loves you just the way you are and doesn’t want you to change, it’s also toxic hunger at work.

      After the 2nd week your body should be in the groove! YOU CAN DO THIS!!

      My #1 advise is to do weekly food prep! You can read all about Eat to Live food prep here and print out the free weekly schedule!

      So glad you found the site and congrats on changing your health for the better!

      xo, Kristen

  • PW says:

    Also, this is my first day on the diet and I’m STARVING 😀

  • Nellie says:

    Do you think starting this diet would ne okay for someone who isn’t necessarily overweight but instead just needs to lose a few pounds to feel happy and confident with ones self? I’m 4’11 and probably weigh about 51.3kg but I’m really not happy with my stomach, as it is massive, and my thighs; it only seems to be these areas that gain all the weight. I’ve just finished 1st year at uni and whilst I have been plant-based my whole life I don’t really have mych control over what I eat and can easily devour a whole pan pf rice and tub of raw nuts/fruit.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Nellie!

      Absolutely this lifestyle would be beneficial for anyone–overweight or not! In fact, doing it for health instead of weight loss is the right way to approach it! By getting healthy on the inside the weight loss is just a natural by-product!

      I struggle with binge-eating myself and I really recommend you give this a read: Great strategies for understanding why you binge, how to minimize it or recover after you do!

      Wishing you the best success on the Eat to Live plan!

      xo, Kristen

  • Nancy says:

    I’ve been tring to do this diet for 3 weeks and have lost only about 2 pounds. I am sad and frustrated. I have about 20-40 pounds to lose (depending on if you go by his idea of thin or normal people ;}). I don’t get it. I wasn’t eating that badly prior to this, no junk food or soft drinks or things like that, so dont’ know if that’s the reason? Can you help me??

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Nancy!

      So, yes, if you are closer to your ideal weight, the weight doesn’t come off as quickly. When I did these first 6 weeks I was 60 pounds from my ideal weight, and I had not been eating healthfully at all.

      There are so many factors that can contribute to the scale not moving. Things like if you have dieted in the past year and regained the weight, age (over 35 hormones start to affect weight loss pace), stress, and a big one is also sleep.

      I always encourage readers to wait till all 6 weeks are complete–every body loses differently. I lost a lot up front and then a bit more at the very end. If weighing yourself if causing you stress, do not weigh in till the end of your 6 weeks.

      Focus on getting GBOMBS in every meal, especially onions, mushrooms and greens (you can read how they attack your fat cells here).

      I know how frustrating it is when you feel like your health excellence should be translating to the scale–it will come. Try to make peace with it might take longer than you want, but you will get where you want to be!

      Whatever you do: DO NOT QUIT ON YOURSELF! You may not be seeing your weight change but I guarantee your health is changing for the absolute better!

      Wishing you the best on your health journey, Nancy! You’ve got this!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Rick Bill says:

    I am on day 6 of the six week plan and am doing just fine, (my bride prepares all of my meals for me, love that girl), and have a question.

    I discovered early on that eating the salad was a chore so I am just having her toss all of the ingredients for the entire meal into a blender and chopping the meal into a “smoothie” that I can slurp down.

    This seems to fill me up and I am losing weight…..just want to make sure that I am not making a big mistake.

    Best to all,

    Fatty Arbuckle

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Rick!

      Congratulations on your health journey and recent weight loss!

      Absolutely you can do that–Dr. Fuhrman calls them “blended salads.” I really should try it out myself–although I grown to really enjoy salads!

      No, you’re not making a mistake at all! Just keep trucking and stop in to let us know how it’s going!

      xo, Kristen

  • Sherri says:

    Hi there 🙂 Love your blog… just found it…. curious… do you know if the 1 c. allowance/daily for whole grains is dry or cooked? Thanks!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Sherri!

      So nice to meet you!

      On page 216 of Eat to Live it lists it as “cooked starchy vegetables or whole grains.”

      Wishing you the very best!

      xo, Kristen

  • Dana says:

    Hi loved reading your posts! I was wondering about the Lara bars. Can these be eaten daily? If you have these do you lessen the fruit you eat throughout the day? Are there any soup recipes for the first 6 weeks? How did u make it through the weekends and having a social life doing this plan???

  • Nan Wasik says:


    I just finished day 4 of ETL lifestyle. Im so glad I came across your blog. I am still having a bit of the detoxing symptoms and this prompted me to seek out more reading material on it. It’s good to know how I am feeling is pretty much the norm. I had anxiety the first 2 days and thus mood swings. Anxiety much much better already. Still a bit moody but headaches are still there. This I am not used to so hope they go away in the next couple of days. I do have to say though that I already have more energy. 😊. I started this journey as my spouse and are are both pre-diabetic now (I am overweight, my spouse is not – goes to show you junky foods affect everyone on the inside even if the outside isn’t showing it). I want both of us to enjoy our early retirement coming up in 3 years and for many years after. Although I am following the plan 100%, my spouse is a bit slower to convert. However, my spouse eating veggies is a great start so I will take it! Thank you for the recipes as even though I have always enjoyed any raw foods, I am a boring cook. After reading your blog, I have decided to start journaling myself so I can look back at times for self inspiration.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      So wonderful to meet you, Nan!

      Huge congratulations to you and your hubby for starting Dr. Fuhrman’s lifestyle! Yes, detoxing is real and symptoms can come and go throughout your first few months. It’s amazing how soon the energy comes isn’t it? It’s like you body finally has the nutrients it needs and is celebrating!

      I’m so excited for you both to start your early retirement in excellent health! My father, 74, was diagnosed as pre-diabetic back in October 2016 and has already reversed it with Eat to Live! So you can do it too!!

      I just got back from a week-long Culinary Getaway with Dr. Fuhrman in Newport Beach and I heard so many amazing and inspiring healing stories from so many participants! You are in the right place and if you win each day and stack those days up, one-by-one, you are going to feel better than you have in years!

      Be sure to reach out during your journey and I LOVE the journaling idea so much–really does help keep you motivated!

      xo, Kristen

  • betty says:

    Hi Kristen, thank you so much for all the AMAZING content and information! Quick question: Did you drink coffee during these six weeks? Do you think a cup a day with one or tablespoons of a non-dairy creamer (unsweetened) would halt any weight loss? I have read ETL and I know Dr. Fuhrman doesn’t love coffee, but I think he says one cup a day is okay. Wondering if you drank it during your weight loss period?

    Again, thank you!!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Betty!

      I did not drink coffee on the 6 week plan–but I never have been a coffee-drinker! I just got back from a getaway with Dr. Fuhrman and this question was asked and he urged the attendees to stop drinking coffee because it’s a stimulant that can also affect taste and sleeping patterns. However, my mom is on what she calls a “modified-Fuhrman” diet (she has a cup of black coffee and yogurt daily) and she has still seen weight loss, just not as quickly>

      Do what you can to start off, it’s waaaay more important to focus on eating lots of greens, beans, seeds, berries, onions and mushrooms! If you’re getting all your veggies in a little coffee won’t slow you down too much!

      xo, Kristen

  • Larry says:

    Since I turn 40 my weight has constantly been going up. Last year was my heaviest ever I weigh 285 pounds . So my son was getting married on Labour Day weekend of 2016 and I had gotten the invitation in April so I decided to lose some weight which I have done on and off for the last 10-15 years. I always lose 50 pounds then gained 60 back lose 50 gain 70 back That’s my story . Diets don’t work for me yes I lose the weight but I go right back into my old eating patterns with a depression that comes along with it. So I lost 65 pounds on a Jenny Craig diet and I did the wedding and I looked good. Now it’s almost a year and I have gained 35 pounds back and that happy feeling I had is gone and has been gone for a month or two now , and I believe that I feel lethargic because of my eating pattern. I go for bacon and eggs at ANW in the morning, at lunchtime I go to ANW for a teen burger, and then for dinner I go to Wendy’s for a spicy chicken combo. That’s my life that’s how I’ve been eating since I got divorced back in 1985. I have never been good in the kitchen I have actually really hated the kitchen . My job is in construction and so I work very physical all day long and when I get home I have no energy left and I sit down and watch TV until it’s time to go to bed. I am so depressed at my life .I have no friends have been single for seven years now and the last relationship was only for three months and then single since 85 my divorce. Self-esteem is very low as is the energy .

    So change has to happen or I will not be around much longer. I used to be a happy man I forgot about those feelings because it’s been so long I don’t remember how it feels. I don’t know what to do I’m still at a loss I’m alone I’m afraid 😳

    At present I’m reading the eat to live book ,about halfway through. I watched pretty much all the documentaries on plant-based food lifestyle. I want this for myself for the health benefits ,if it’s not too late I am in my 60s . I don’t know I’m thinking of hiring a nutritional list someone to come into my kitchen and organize it like you’ve done -your fridge looks amazing and the way you organize your food I need someone to do this for me ,with me to show me how to shop etc. etc. and then cut me loose and watch me fly. I don’t know I’m just lost and I need help and this is very hard to do for me asking for help. Finding your blog with the other blogs I belong to is helping me lift my spirits as I must feel good about myself before I start anything worthwhile and this lifestyle is worthwhile .
    The beginnings is always the hardest for me.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Larry!

      I’m so happy you made your way here and that you’ve begun reading “Eat to Live!”

      You really only have 2 choices: (1) wait to develop a food-related health issue or (2) be proud that you’re 60 and still healthy, even with the dalliances, and prevent anything from happening!

      I really recommend that you do a 6 to 9 week ramp up because you are not used to cooking. Trying to do everything at once may set you up for wanting to quit!

      Start with prepping salads–this requires no cooking!

      STEP #1: Prep 3 to 4 salads every 2 or 3 days. Make sure you get a cruciferous veggie like broccoli, red cabbage or kale in every salad. Add tomatoes, cucumbers, celery and carrots. Add garbanzo beans from a can or box. Top with raw seeds. Use balsamic vinegar, lemon juice or tahini for your dressing–none of this requires cooking or even blending!

      Eat this every night for your dinner. Make sure you have at least 1/2 cup of beans on the salad and 1 ounce of raw seeds. Leave the rest of your food the same and focus on developing this dinner salad as your habit first! Do this for 3 weeks.

      STEP #2: Adding in a healthy breakfast: After 3 weeks of having salad as your main course for dinner, it’s time to clean up your breakfast! Overnight oats can be your best friend and they require no cooking! Mash 1 banana down with a fork, add to a food storage container and add 3/4 cup rolled oats. Cover with 1 cup almond milk (any plant-based milk that has no added sugar) and add 1/4 cup raw chia seeds. Mix together and store overnight. It’s ready to got he next morning and you can add some berries on top! No re-heating required unless it’s cold outside and you rather it be warm!

      Work at developing your new breakfast habit for 3 more weeks–so you’ll be having a healthy breakfast, your regular lunch you’re used to, and a healthy dinner. By the end of those 6 weeks you will have already seen weight loss and a brighter outlook!

      STEP #3: The last step will be prepping yourself a healthy, portable lunch for work! Something like this Hummus Wrap doesn’t require cooking either! I would add another salad with beans and seeds in addition to the wrap! And then you will be all-the-way plant based! Focus on eating that way for another 3 weeks and then you’ll be ready to start getting braver in the kitchen!

      YOU CAN DO THIS!! But you have to get it done! I think this gradual plan can ramp you up and keep you focused on sustainable change!

      I’ll be rooting you on!

  • Mickey says:

    Hey Kristen,
    I was moved by your blog and fascinated by your journey.
    I’ve adopted this lifestyle for 3 days coupled with regular exercise and I’m feeling good.
    Just have one question:
    How much fruit do you put in the fruit freezers?

  • jessi says:

    Hi. Just wondering what the thoughts on Grapenuts are,,,, a whole grain? With almond milk and raspberries I was hoping it would be acceptable. ..and can’t find anything on olives. Maybe better than olive oil but I think they r kinda salty….any thoughts? I’m the one planning on starting Oct 1

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Jessi!

      Congratulations on starting your nutritarian journey!!

      Which plan are following? The Aggressive Weight Loss plan or the Basic Guidelines Plan?

      If you’re doing the strict protocol then I would advise against the Grape Nuts because of the salt and added yeast. Half a cup of Grape Nuts has 270 mg of sodium. Dr. Fuhrman recommends about 300 to 400 mg of sodium added for the day–so that would take up much of your quota. That being said, sometimes you just need to have something to feel comfortable! If that’s the case, keep them in but really monitor your sodium from other sources!

      They would be considered part of your 1 cup whole grains daily quota!

      Wishing you all the best and reach out with any other questions!

      xo, Kristen

  • Sarah says:

    I’m starting tomorrow under odd circumstances I have some healthy salad fixing stuff in the house but I cannot go shopping until Friday so I am going to eat what I have that is healthy and then go 100% as of Friday morning! I am 35; 5’11 and weigh 260. I have been constantly sick for the last year and I am extremely worried about my health so time for drastic changes! Thanks for posting such beautiful pictures of healthy food which is what attracted me in the first place!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      So, so wonderful to meet you Sarah!

      And it’s so lovely to have a fellow tall gal here with me!! I’m 6’1″ and at my heaviest I was 278 pounds! We are lucky that we can carry the weight well but it’s a double-edged sword because it makes it hard to realize how far we’ve gone down the rabbit hole till it’s become rather bad!

      I have to say this lifestyle is meant for tall, hearty eaters–that’s what drew me to it! I hate tiny portions of food and being nutritarian you get to eat a lot of food!

      I’m so happy you made your way to the site and I am here for you!

      xo, Kristen

      • Sarah M. says:

        Thank you! Yes a fellow tall girl here and you are right about carrying the weight different. Most people have no clue I weigh more than 200 pounds….but I do and man I feel it!. The past week has been pretty good. I have read everything I can get my hands on. My favorite meal is the Taylor Farms Sweet Kale salad NO dressing. I just squeeze fresh squeezed orange juice on it. Did I mention I eat the whole bag? It’s about 3 cups of baby kale, shredded brussel sprouts, shredded purple and green cabbage with 2 tablespoons of dried cranberries and a tablespoon of raw pumpkin seeds. I still can’t believe I can eat the whole thing as a meal and then I am not hungry for hours. I struggle a bit with dinner but I am working on it. I am also down to 2 cups of coffee in the morning with unsweetened almond milk. I am working my way down to 1. This is coming from a coffee addict. My other favorite thing is I have had absolutely no heart burn or tummy trouble. I have lost 5 pounds in the last week and I just started doing this full time on Sunday after shopping. I am looking forward to the healthy benefits continuing!

        • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

          WOW Sarah,

          So wonderful to hear your progress and accomplishments in less than a week of going nutritarian!!!

          Please continue to keep in touch and I will be rooting you on!!!

          xo, Kristen

  • Sariah says:

    Hi, loved the diary blogs you are inspirational , I’ve been slowly preparing myself all week mentally and physically ( made a few all veg meals and salads) I’ve been intermittent fasting now for about six months . I’m a carb addict , so it won’t be pretty ( my cravings lol) loved loved loved all your suggestions and recipes I will be using you as my daily inspiration and resolve , thank you please don’t go away from the internet lol

  • Gail says:

    Hi Kristen,
    I am so glad to have found your site and really happy that we have the same type of fridge, so now I have a model for mine to start this. I had done this plan a few years ago and it went great, but then life interviews and I lost it. I am very motivated by your beautiful pictures and your energy, to begin again, and even more so for my own health. What I would like to ask is, would ever consider taking the picture your fridge (that is too gorgeous looking!!) and then naming the jars that are in there? I am totally wanting to know what is in the solid color jars? I signed up for your news letter so I will be happy to see whatever your latest discoveries are. I am back in college now and totally quit facebook, so my method of choice will be to respond to your newsletters if need be. Thank you again for your homey, honest way of speaking, the beautiful pictures, and the food resources. Also, I think and I hope that Dr. Fuhrman should pay you lot of dough for all of this effort that supports him. I really admire him a lot too, he has incredible guts to go up against all of these big ag industries.
    P.S. I can’t wait to read your e-book!


  • Lisa Luscan says:

    Hi Kristen,
    Someone recommended me to your blog for ETL friendly tofu and I just sat down and read through all 6 weeks that you posted. I’m so happy today to have found this because I just completed day 109 of what started as the 6 week plan. Today I was going to reintroduce some salty condiments that I had used liberally prior to the 6-week plan and I was astonished to discover that they tasted gross to me!! I feel such a sense of relief because I just assumed they would taste as delicious as I remembered. I feel sort of alone because most people that I know who eat healthily usually use some form of salt. I’m so thankful to have discovered this blog and your diary of your first 6-weeks. I always end my eating day with what I call a smoothie bowl which is like your fruit freezer. It’s so cool to have found a kindred spirit. I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts and sharing more of your journey.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      It’s so wonderful to meet you Lisa!

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a message and share a bit about your own personal journey! HUGE congratulations on being 109-days strong!!

      And it’s incredible how the tastes change after an adequate time to let your taste-buds heal!

      Yes, I 100% agree that eating this way can feel very ostracizing especially in our culture but I’ll take it any day over feeling how miserable on the inside as I did when I ate what everyone else was eating!

      Wishing you an incredible and healthful journey to come!

      xo, Kristen

  • Barbara’s says:

    Can you eat 1 Lara Bar everyday as long as they don’t have sea salt or oil in them?

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Barbara!

      I seldom eat LARA bars anymore because I’ve found them to be triggering. I prefer to use my nut and seed quota for the day on my dressings and sauces. When you have a LARA bar you use up a lot of that quota in one hit. But if you’re just starting out it may help you (as long as it doesn’t trigger you to overeat on high-fat foods) and you’re focusing on getting all your greens and raw veggies in daily!

      xo, Kristen

  • Tanya Wadley says:

    I would like to know if there is anyone (besides me) that has started this plan needing to lose less weight (20-25 pounds). Does anyone have any guidelines, 2 pounds of vegetables to me feels like I’m eating “past full” all the time, and 4 fruits seems unnecessary. I did lose 5 pounds my first week. I’m excited to find a website like this, I think it will help me. Thank you!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Tanya,

      I’ve helped quite a few people who only had that amount of weight to lose. The thing is the food is so low in calories even though you’re eating a lot of food it’s not a lot of calories. It takes a few weeks to get accustomed to the quantity of food, but you will! In the beginning eat to satiety and then give yourself time to adjust!


  • Kristina Taber says:

    Hi Kristen! I’m thinking about seriously doing this. I lost 60-70 lbs a few years ago, and put it all back on.. plus some. I’m 31, only 5’1″ and I weigh around 220. I just moved to an elevation of 7300 ft and the elevation is kind of kicking my butt, but let’s be honest — I eat like crap and that’s really why I’m struggling. I don’t have any health problems right now, but that won’t stay the truth forever.

    If I tend to get overwhelmed easily, do you recommend subscribing your help? Prices isn’t an issue. I just want to get to a point where I can work out and not feel like a blob. The migraines, the feeling yucky, is all due to diet. I have to stop. I just need a little help.

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Kristina!

      I can relate to that crappy feeling when you eat like crap! The difference in feeling is what really got me to make the long-term change!

      I have a 6-week prep program that has a Facebook support group that goes along wit it–that’s my alternative to coaching!

      It’s a very affordable price and I hope you check it out to learn more! I also have a free 7-Day Salad Cleanse program that you get for free when you subscribe to my emails here!

      Sending you so much love and power to take action!

      xo, Kristen

      xo, Kristen

  • Winona Davies says:

    I LOVE your blog. It’s super helpful to see menus and meal plans. I’ve been whole foods for years but still struggling with 30 lbs up and down. At 61, I no longer lose weight quickly. I’ve been monitoring my calorie intake for a year now and have only been able to lose 16 pounds in a year of 1250 calories per day and exercising consistently. Previously I could drop 30 pounds in two months with just cutting back my intake. I decided I need to be more focused and try Dr. Fuhrman’s way. My thin as a rail husband (6′ and 145 on a good day) eats whole foods also but tons of fat…avocados, nuts, nut butters, and oil. That’s hard for me but your blog inspires me to be willing to keep at it. I hope this will be a lifetime change instead of a diet. Thanks for the motivation and good food planning!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Winona,

      There are so many factors that affect your weight loss but I think it’s important to say that such extreme calorie restriction along with strenuous exercise can actually be making your body more stressed out and therefore clinging onto your calories.

      I’d recommend you do a month-long experiment and raise your calories to 1400 and only walk for one hour a day–no additional exercise and see if that helps you move in the scales.


  • Julie Ellis says:

    What an amazing story to read! Congratulations to you for sticking it out, documenting so many feelings and discoveries, and sharing so honestly! Just wondering what tool you were using to measure your body fat loss?

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Julie,

      Thanks so much for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed the journal!

      I was just using my digital scale–it’s a model that also tracks fat percentage.

      xo, Kristen

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Julie,

      I have a smart scale that displays those parameters!


  • Jessi says:

    Don’t know if u r still here, but I’ve read these 6 weeks at least 6 times over the years. I wanna start and do eat to live 6-8 weeks as 2021 starts d then maybe switch to starch solution as I get closer to goal weight.

  • Lisa Newman says:

    Thank you so much for all your weekly posts describing not only what you ate but the feelings that went with each day. I’ve started eating nutritarian many times but am truly dedicated to finishing out this 6 weeks! My husband is on board this time and I’m excited to see the results!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Congratulations on you and your hubby making the commitment to your health to follow the 6 week plan! I;m so happy you’re finding this resource helpful, Lisa! I’m wishing you both all the best on your journey! xo, Kristen

  • Christine says:

    Good day! Thank you for sharing your journey, I appreciate all the challenges and managing the day to day. I want to wish Larry all the best- I have been a lifelong struggler with weight, but since hitting 60- there seems to be no other choice and this helped me to get into the normal range for my height. I still have some pounds I’d like to shed and am sticking with the 6 week plan- I have a challenging week ahead of travel and others providing meals. Thank you for the

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Thank you so much for lending Larry your support and huge congratulations on the incredible work you’ve put into your own health, Christine!

  • Tammy says:

    When you say you eat 1 cu oatmeal, is that 1 cu after cooking, or 1 cup of uncooked oats then prepared?

    • Kristen Hong says:

      The measurements are always cooked and that’s the best rule of thumb for tallying your grain allowance.